Thursday, September 18, 2008

Shameless Fixation # 2 – Tom Ford’s Ford Sunglasses

It seems as though Tom Ford’s genuine focus on the sunglasses line of this year has paid off.  They are selling well everywhere and for good reason.  They put an incredible amount of time into not only the design and materials, but the color matching is excellent as well.  The detailing on the latest collection is not over the top and is in fact quite subtle.  There are no large logos anywhere, but some “T’s” are found here and there, like on the bridge of the model below.

My favourite model and current fixation is aptly named Ford.  Have a peek.

So slick

I tried these on at a shop the other day and wearing them gave me the closest look to celebrity I’ve ever had, which, granted, is not saying much, but I still felt like money.  If I had the wallet of a celebrity I would buy them right away to complete a vintage look.  This pair goes for over $300 in the U.S., so I’m accepting donations as of now.    

The model has a classic enough feel that it’s going to look good for years to come, so you can think of it as an investment.  Cheers to Tom Ford for this excellent model and overall collection   

Tom Ford Sunglasses Available at Frames Direct:

Source/Pictures: Tom Ford